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leading article是什么意思

发布时间:2021-04-01 作者: 英语查

leading article 是什么意思


leading:    n. 1.领导,指导。 2.引导。 短语和例子 a ma ...
article:    n. 1.物品;制品,商品。 2.项目,条款。 3.【动 ...


1." to the reader ' s disappointment , the leading article in this issue of the magazine is a load of rubbish .

2.The editor was reading , with apparent delight , a leading article in the same paper on beet - sugar , probably a composition of his own

3.This month , in anticipation of president hu s visit to the united states , mr . zheng published the lead article in foreign affairs , " china s peaceful rise to great power status . " this evening , i would like to give you a sense of the current dialogue between the united states and china by sharing my perspective
杂志上发表头版文章,题为《中国的和平崛起》 。今晚,我想谈谈我的想法,使大家对美中对话的现状有些了解。

4.Nearly a month and a half after master s may 7th lecture in tokyo during her " ocean of love " tour , a special report entitled " supreme master ching hai - her first visit to japan in years . " was published as the lead article in the commemorative issue of the local magazine karna , marking the 15th anniversary of its founding
2000年7月13日,巴拿马同修们应邀访问位于厄勒拉省herrera的小城市特chitre ,为那里的求道者举办了一场录影带讲座特市距离巴拿马市有四个小时的路程。

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